TLT-Turbo schlägt im revolutionären Tunnel Digitalization Centre die Brücke von der realen zur digitalen Welt.

Im September 2021 hat TLT-Turbo einen Jet-Ventilator im TDC in Betrieb genommen, der von nun an für Forschungsprojekte in einer realen Tunnelumgebung sowie für die gemeinsame Entwicklung und Prüfung digitaler Produkte genutzt wird.

TLT-Turbo ist seit Ende 2020 Industriepartner des Swiss Center of Applied Underground Technologies (SCAUT) und beteiligt sich seitdem am gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt des “Tunnel Digitalization Center”. Im Oktober 2019 wurde das Tunnel Digitalization Center (TDC) im Versuchsstollen Hagerbach in Flums, Schweiz, offiziell eröffnet.

Dieses einzigartige Tunnelzentrum ermöglicht zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte Demonstrationen und Simulationen in einer realistischen Umgebung.  Das Projekt wurde vom Swiss Center of Applied Underground Technologies (SCAUT) initiiert. Durch den kontinuierlichen Einsatz neuer Technologien und innovativer Konzepte im TDC besteht das Zentrum nun aus einem BIM-Zentrum, einem Kontroll- und Schulungszentrum, einem Simulationszentrum und einem Cloud-Center.

Das Swiss Centre of Applied Underground Technologies (SCAUT) ist das weltweit führende Kompetenzzentrum für die Nutzung des untertägigen Raums. Das SCAUT bündelt die gesammelten Kenntnisse, Kompetenzen und Technologien aus dem Untertagebau sowie aus anderen Industriezweigen, um sie als weltweit erstes Kompetenzzentrum seiner Art weiterzuentwickeln und für verschiedene Anwendungen im unterirdischen Raum nutzbar zu machen.

Neben TLT-Turbo besteht das SCAUT-Konsortium aus weiteren führenden Unternehmen der Branche, nämlich Amberg Engineering Ltd, Siemens Ltd, Elkuch Group Ltd und HBI Haerter Ltd. In erster Linie wurde die TLT-Turbo GmbH ausgewählt, da sie ein weltweit führender Experte in der Herstellung von Ventilatoren für eine Reihe von Branchen ist. Amberg Engineering Ltd. werden für den Infrastrukturbau eingesetzt, Amberg Technologies Ltd. für Vermessung und Scanning, Siemens AG für Automation, Elkuch Group Ltd. für Türsysteme und HBI Haerter Ltd. für Tunnelbelüftungssimulationen.

In Zukunft werden die meisten Menschen in städtischen Gebieten leben. Die Nutzung der dritten Dimension, nicht nur nach oben, sondern auch unter Tage, wird ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Stadtentwicklung sein. Ziel ist es, den oberirdischen Raum als Freiraum und Lebensraum für Menschen und soziale Interaktion zu nutzen und den unterirdischen Raum als Teil des nutzbaren Raums einzubeziehen. Das Tunnel Digitalization Center (TDC) bietet die einzigartige Möglichkeit, die Interaktion und Transformation von real zu digital direkt im Tunnel zu erleben.

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TLT-Turbo and MoJet® Join Forces to Redefine Tunnel Ventilation

A strategic partnership between TLT-Turbo GmbH, global ventilation equipment manufacturer and Mosen Ltd, a leading tunnel ventilation innovator, will offer advanced technology delivered by the innovative MoJet® tunnel ventilation system.

The MoJet® has been developed through a close cooperation between engineers and the R&D teams at TLT-Turbo and Mosen Ltd, as well as renowned universities. Through extensive research and testing, the two firms jointly developed this innovative product for tunnel ventilation.

“TLT-Turbo was initially approached by Dr. Fathi Tarada, Mosen Ltd Managing Director and Chief Technologist for MoJet® Ventilation, about testing for his new product. What followed was a complete reimagining of tunnel ventilation systems,” says TLT-Turbo Business Head for Tunnel and Metro, Jürgen Steltmann.

According to Lars Lehmann, TLT-Turbo Tunnel & Metro Product Manager, what differentiates the MoJet® is its ability to increase aerodynamic thrust and deliver incredible ventilation performance while consuming less power.

“Conventional Jet Fans are the standard means of providing longitudinal ventilation in tunnels. However, they suffer from the following significant disadvantage compared to the MoJet®,” Lehmann explains. “Thrust is lost due to friction between the jet and the tunnel surfaces. Typically, 30% to 50% of thrust is thereby lost.”

The reversible MoJet® tunnel ventilation system can increase in-tunnel aerodynamic thrust by up to 50%, with reduced power consumption. To achieve such a significant improvement in performance, the MoJet® uses shaped nozzles which turn the jet flow away from the tunnel soffit and walls. This reduces surface friction, minimizing the Coanda Effect, where a reduction in static pressure due to the high jet velocity tends to deflect the jet towards any solid surface. The MoJet® represents a significant improvement over older technologies to reduce the Coanda effect, such as slanted silencers and jet flow deflectors.

“Major infrastructure projects must demonstrate sustainability and value for money while delivering the required performance. That is why we have developed the MoJet®, an innovative tunnel ventilation system which has been installed worldwide,” says Dr. Tarada. “The innovative design results in markedly improved energy efficiency and fewer or smaller jet fans being required to provide the same degree of ventilation, as verified by independent measurements in full-scale tunnels.”

Dr. Tarada adds that MoJets® do not encroach upon the traffic envelope and can be installed very close to tunnel walls and soffits, reducing space requirements and construction costs.

Comparison of the jet and jet diffusion of Jet Fans with standard silencers (red) and MoJet® –silencers (blue) in a tunnel.
Direct comparison of the two velocity profiles for the measurement with standard silencer (red) and with MoJet® – silencer (blue)

Tried and Tested

Earlier this year, TLT-Turbo undertook an extensive series of laboratory tests and site tests within the Rendel Street branch of the Mersey Queensway Tunnel in Northwest England on a 1.25m internal diameter MoJet® with an equivalent conventional jet fan. Mosen Ltd supported the testing with detailed aerodynamic design using 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The measurements indicated a dramatic increase in the in-tunnel thrust, for no increase in motor power consumption.

“The MoJet® technology represents the next generation of tunnel ventilation design, offering a reduction in the required number of jet fans and overall tunnel power demand, as well as a marked improvement in sustainability and energy efficiency,” Dr. Tarada concludes.

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TLT-Turbo Secures Ventilation Works for Swiss Baregg Tunnel Project

TLT-Turbo (GmbH), a leading supplier of ventilation equipment and systems has received a contract to provide longitudinal ventilation and escape route ventilation for the Baregg Tunnel project through a call for tender by the Swiss Federal Roads Office, ASTRA, based in Zofingen, Switzerland.

The scope of TLT-Turbo’s delivery on the project includes 16 stainless steel, dual-speed jet fans. The jet fans will meet the project’s temperature requirement of 250 °C/2 h. The contract also includes the supply of an extensive array of services including project management, documentation of performance and technical specifications, inspections, QA, testing, training of operating personnel and future maintenance. The order is currently being processed with completion of the installation expected by January 2024.

The Baregg tunnel and the Neuenhof covering are part of Switzerland’s N01 route, located between the exits and entrances of Baden-West and Wettingen. This section is known as one of the busiest sections of the Swiss national road network.

TLT-Turbo Head of Tunnel and Metro division, Jürgen Steltmann, said: “We scoped out this project by starting with a dimensional survey and inspection of the existing tunnel structure. This will be followed by planning, fabrication, factory tests and finally delivery and installation. We are confident that our approach will result in a ventilation solution that meets the requirements of the Baregg Tunnel project and ensures and safe environment for commuters.”

TLT-Turbo has over 100 years of experience in ventilation technology and has been developing, manufacturing, and constructing fans and ventilation systems for more than 40 years. This extensive experience has been consistently incorporated into the development of their tunnel ventilation systems.

According to Steltmann, to ensure a safe environment inside tunnels, TLT-Turbo’s foremost consideration is smoke. “In an emergency, smoke is one of the major hazards for people in an underground tunnel. Our ventilation systems provide clear visibility for escape routes. In case of fire, our Metro and Tunnel fans provide smoke free emergency exit routes.”

“Our other key considerations are quality, noise abatement and energy efficiency. Our fans are tested according to EN 12101-3 give tunnel operators peace of mind that they are receiving ventilation equipment that meets their specifications and is of the highest quality. From there, TLT-Turbo combines specially selected materials, highly heat-resistant motors and design precision to blend quality assurance with the highest economic efficiency,” Steltmann explains.

The aerodynamic features of TLT-Turbo’s Jet Fan range guarantee low power consumption and installation costs. They also help to keep the acoustic noise low. These fans may be used in tunnel sections as jet fans with free inlet and outlet and as axial fans in ducted installations. The success story of these fans started in the early 1970’s in the Alps and several important Alptransit-routes have been equipped with TLT-Turbo tunnel fans since then – including ventilation for the longest railway tunnel worldwide in the Gotthard Base Tunnel.

“Our track record combined with the fact we have well-trained, experienced staff who collaborate with leading international consultants to ensure that we meet expected international standards are what have made TLT-Turbo not just a supplier, but a preferred tunnel and metro ventilation partner renowned for redefining ventilation quality and performance,” Steltmann concludes.

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Model Acceptance Tests Go Virtual!

An important task carried out by TLT-Turbo is the conducting of aerodynamic model acceptance measurements and final acceptance tests in the presence of our customers. These tests demonstrate the aerodynamic performance of TLT-Turbo fans on a model test stand to meet the required fan characteristics.

Model tests are significantly cheaper and less complex than conducting tests on a full-size performance test stand (FSPT) such as the one that TLT-Turbo has set-up in Chengdu, China. TLT-Turbo has various model test stands at their facilities in Germany and is able to test different diameters of axial fans, centrifugal fans and full-size jet fans.

Due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not possible to host clients for witnessing tests at our R&D center in Zweibruecken. In an effort to continue providing excellent customer service and for current orders to move ahead, TLT-Turbo has found a solution – making acceptance tests available for customers to attend virtually!

Inspired by the global movement to move physical business processes such as meetings and inspections online, TLT-Turbo started looking for a software solution that would allow them to conduct virtual aerodynamic model acceptance tests.

The solution was found through software, which allows classic video conferences to be combined with a connection to virtual reality on smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, or a video screen. This makes it possible for participants in a teleconference meeting to see and experience everything as if they were nearby.

“Our team has run through the process and rehearsed internally to make sure that we are ready to fully cover every aspect of the testing and we are ready to offer this service to our clients to allow work and delivery of fans to continue,” says Dr. Sebastian Fleder, TLT-Turbo Product Manager for Aftermarket and Services. “This is a major advancement in the digitalization of our offering. In future, even as we move into a post-COVID world, this model will remain an alternative option to conventional model acceptance testing, trouble shooting, inspections and many other services for all customers as it saves them both time and money.”

If you would like more information about TLT-Turbo’s ‘Remote Service Support’ or you need fan expert’s assistance, please use the contact form on our website or contact your local TLT-Turbo representative.

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