TLT-Turbo India staff donated blood during nationwide initiative of Raktadaan Amrit Mahotsav (Blood Donation Celebration)

India is celebrating its 75th year of independence this year and in the process, the government of India is driving various initiatives, such as the Raktadaan Amrit Mahotsav (Blood Donation Celebration).

TLT-Turbo India, along with Tresna Foundation and Red Cross India, has arranged the Blood Donation Camp at the factory and engineering office location on 22nd & 23rd September 2022.

25 Staff members have actively participated and donated Blood during this camp on the first day and on second day another 20 Team members have donated blood which includes our staff from the Engineering & Sales Office, and a few employees from other organizations.

With this and other initiatives we at TLT-Turbo India are showing our commitment towards social responsibility and our efforts to give back to society.

As The Managing Director of the company, I am thankful to all the team members their families who were willing to donate blood and made this event successful.

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TLT-Turbo India Doing their Part to Alleviate COVID-19 Burden

Like the rest of the world, India is facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of their own national lockdown. Those living below the poverty line as well as day workers and laborers have been particularly hard hit by the nationwide lockdown that started on 23 March 2020.

India’s Prime Minister addressed the nation and requested support for those in need. To facilitate donations, a special PM Office bank account was set up for individuals and organizations who wished to play their part in helping the nation’s needy.

While working from home, the team at TLT-Turbo India started discussing the unthinkable challenges facing their less fortunate fellow citizens and decided that they wanted to step up. In a moving and overwhelmingly generous gesture, the entire team decided to donate one day’s salary to the cause. This response on an individual level inspired TLT-Turbo India management to match their donations as a company. Together they reached a total amount of just over 100 000 Rupees (1300 Euro) which was deposited into the PM Office account.

“We felt a responsibility towards this cause. We are grateful to be able to continue working from home when so many others cannot work at all. The TLT-Turbo India team working from home are in contact every day and through our discussions it came to light that this cause was something we were all thinking about. I know that this amount may not be as high as some donations by larger companies, but our intent and philosophy is always do what we can to care for others and I am so proud of my team for making this happen,” says Pankaj Sohoni, TLT-Turbo India Managing Director.

Global Managing Director, Rainer Redinger applauded TLT-Turbo India for their generosity and sense of responsibility toward their fellow citizens. “Civic duty and pride are near to our hearts at TLT-Turbo. This donation demonstrates this part of our corporate culture perfectly. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and the various lockdowns that have been put in place across the world, the TLT-Turbo Global Team continues to show not only astounding resilience and motivation but also empathy for those who have been hardest hit. I would like to personally thank TLT-Turbo India for leading by example and for showing the world how unified action and solidarity can make a difference.”

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