Korrosion an Kraftwerksventilatoren

Die Energietechnik befindet sich weltweit im Wandel. Der rasche Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien, volatiler Stromerzeugungsanlagen, erfordern eine deutlich höhere Flexibilität der konventionellen Anlagen. Dies hat zu einer Reihe neuer Herausforderungen für die dort eingesetzten Ventilatoren geführt, dazu zählen z. B.:

  • Eine erhöhte Anzahl von Start- und Stoppvorgängen
  • Weniger Volllaststunden,
  • Vermehrt Teillastbetrieb,
  • Geringere Abgastemperaturen durch Restwärmenutzung sowie
  • Kleinerer Abstand zum Säuretaupunkt

Diese Faktoren führen zu einer erhöhten Belastung der Systeme, was ein erhöhtes Korrosionsrisiko während des Betriebs mit sich bringt. Dies begünstigt Taupunktkorrosion, die zum Totalausfall von Ventilatoren und Systemkomponenten führen kann.

TLT-Turbo bietet Ihnen eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung für Ihre Anlage durch die Implementierung effektiver Korrosionsschutzmaßnahmen zur Aufrechterhaltung der Betriebszeit Ihrer Ventilatoren.

Effizienter Schutz gegen Korrosion

Der TLT-Turbo Korrosionsschutz für Ventilatoren umfasst zwei wichtige Maßnahmen: Verhindern von Korrosion, wo es möglich ist und Schutz von Bauteilen, bei denen Korrosion nicht verhindert werden kann.

Verhindern von korrosiven Bedingungen:
  • Vermeidung oder Reduzierung von Leckage von Sperrluft
  • Erwärmen von Ventilatorkomponenten
  • Optimierung der Isolierung
Einsatz von korrosionsbeständigen Materialien:
  • Wetterfester Stahl
  • Polymere und polymere Beschichtungen
  • Edelstahl
  • Beschichtungen oder Grundwerkstoffe auf Ni-Basis

Um die geeigneten Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung und Bekämpfung von Korrosion an Ventilatoren in Ihrer Anlage auszuwählen, führt TLT-Turbo eine individuelle Korrosionsrisikobewertung durch. Diese Bewertung basiert auf Ihren Betriebs- und Umweltbedingungen.

TLT-Turbo unterstützt Sie darüber hinaus mit einer Analyse Ihrer spezifischen Betriebsbedingungen, z. B. durch eine Taupunktmessung auf der Grundlage einer gemeinsamen Anlagenbegehung.

Setzen Sie sich mit TLT-Turbo in Verbindung, um Ihren Korrosionsschutzbedarf zu besprechen und das richtige Servicepaket für Ihre laufenden Anforderungen zu finden.

Optimaler Schutz gegen Korrosion bei Bestandsanlagen

TLT-Turbo führt Korrosionsrisikobewertungen durch und implementiert geeignete Präventivmaßnahmen bei der Konstruktion und Herstellung neuer Ventilatoren. Diese Maßnahmen können auch bei der Nachrüstung bestehender Anlagen oder im Rahmen der vorbeugenden Wartung während eines geplanten Stillstands durchgeführt werden.

Weitere Informationen zur Durchführung einer maßgeschneiderten Risikobewertung in Ihrer Anlage erhalten Sie von Ihrem Service-Mitarbeiter oder der Serviceabteilung von TLT-Turbo.

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TLT-Turbo and MoJet® Join Forces to Redefine Tunnel Ventilation

A strategic partnership between TLT-Turbo GmbH, global ventilation equipment manufacturer and Mosen Ltd, a leading tunnel ventilation innovator, will offer advanced technology delivered by the innovative MoJet® tunnel ventilation system.

The MoJet® has been developed through a close cooperation between engineers and the R&D teams at TLT-Turbo and Mosen Ltd, as well as renowned universities. Through extensive research and testing, the two firms jointly developed this innovative product for tunnel ventilation.

“TLT-Turbo was initially approached by Dr. Fathi Tarada, Mosen Ltd Managing Director and Chief Technologist for MoJet® Ventilation, about testing for his new product. What followed was a complete reimagining of tunnel ventilation systems,” says TLT-Turbo Business Head for Tunnel and Metro, Jürgen Steltmann.

According to Lars Lehmann, TLT-Turbo Tunnel & Metro Product Manager, what differentiates the MoJet® is its ability to increase aerodynamic thrust and deliver incredible ventilation performance while consuming less power.

“Conventional Jet Fans are the standard means of providing longitudinal ventilation in tunnels. However, they suffer from the following significant disadvantage compared to the MoJet®,” Lehmann explains. “Thrust is lost due to friction between the jet and the tunnel surfaces. Typically, 30% to 50% of thrust is thereby lost.”

The reversible MoJet® tunnel ventilation system can increase in-tunnel aerodynamic thrust by up to 50%, with reduced power consumption. To achieve such a significant improvement in performance, the MoJet® uses shaped nozzles which turn the jet flow away from the tunnel soffit and walls. This reduces surface friction, minimizing the Coanda Effect, where a reduction in static pressure due to the high jet velocity tends to deflect the jet towards any solid surface. The MoJet® represents a significant improvement over older technologies to reduce the Coanda effect, such as slanted silencers and jet flow deflectors.

“Major infrastructure projects must demonstrate sustainability and value for money while delivering the required performance. That is why we have developed the MoJet®, an innovative tunnel ventilation system which has been installed worldwide,” says Dr. Tarada. “The innovative design results in markedly improved energy efficiency and fewer or smaller jet fans being required to provide the same degree of ventilation, as verified by independent measurements in full-scale tunnels.”

Dr. Tarada adds that MoJets® do not encroach upon the traffic envelope and can be installed very close to tunnel walls and soffits, reducing space requirements and construction costs.

Comparison of the jet and jet diffusion of Jet Fans with standard silencers (red) and MoJet® –silencers (blue) in a tunnel.
Direct comparison of the two velocity profiles for the measurement with standard silencer (red) and with MoJet® – silencer (blue)

Tried and Tested

Earlier this year, TLT-Turbo undertook an extensive series of laboratory tests and site tests within the Rendel Street branch of the Mersey Queensway Tunnel in Northwest England on a 1.25m internal diameter MoJet® with an equivalent conventional jet fan. Mosen Ltd supported the testing with detailed aerodynamic design using 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The measurements indicated a dramatic increase in the in-tunnel thrust, for no increase in motor power consumption.

“The MoJet® technology represents the next generation of tunnel ventilation design, offering a reduction in the required number of jet fans and overall tunnel power demand, as well as a marked improvement in sustainability and energy efficiency,” Dr. Tarada concludes.

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TLT-Turbo Optimizes Air Flow at European Power Plant Based on CFD

In TLT-Turbo’s 145-year long history of developing centrifugal and axial fans, every fan has always been carefully evaluated through extensive testing before being deemed fit for application. These tests were greatly enhanced when computational testing became available. More recently, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation has greatly enhanced not only TLT-Turbo’s ability to conduct thorough product testing but has also created opportunities for developing new and improved fan types.

According to Sabine Groh, Product Manager for industry fans at TLT-Turbo in Bad Hersfeld, Germany, every TLT-Turbo fan type once was carefully evaluated and aerodynamically measured in aerodynamic test stands before being released for application in the customer’s operating environment. “The arrival of stronger computer performance has allowed us to utilize CFD simulation which has had a massive effect on our ability to develop new products and to improve existing fan types.”

Groh explains that CFD has numerous advantages, all of which have become integral to TLT-Turbo’s product development. One of the greatest advantages is that CFD has enhanced the understanding of flow phenomena more efficiently than empirical testing. By using CFD it is possible to zoom in and out of any area within the simulated geometry to determine most advantageous or disadvantageous parts or geometries. With examination options such as vectorplot, a detailed analysis of the direction within the flow is possible. Similarly, using streamlineplot or velocityplot provides a detailed view of irregularities or aerodynamic phenomena.

“This analysis helps us understand the parts or geometries that cause flow separations and turbulence which allows us to address these in our product design. We can use the CFD simulations for the development or improvement of different fan types, blade geometries or spiral casing for centrifugal fans,” says Groh.

Additionally, TLT-Turbo uses CFD to understand problems in the flow of a given customer application that might result in a loss of pressure, efficiency or untypical wear of parts exposed to the flow. This equips TLT-Turbo with the knowledge needed to carry out retrofitting and product enhancements to ensure improved future performance (see flow optimization use case below).

Flow Optimization Case Study

At a European power plant, a centrifugal fan was controlled by an inlet vane control. During operation, the blades of the vane were rattling after a while and needed repair. After replacement, the same blades were showing the same failure after some operation time. Figure 1 below shows the blade of the inlet vane control dismounted of the socket.

Figure 1: blade shaft of inlet vane control with too much clearance in the socket

It was assumed that the flow was not homogeneous before it reached the inlet vane control blade, and the use of air guiding plates was considered to correct the flow. Through the use of CFD, this pattern could be more deeply investigated resulting in a superior solution.   

Groh unpacks the process and explains how a better solution was found using CFD: “Each CFD requires four process steps. The first step is the creation of the 3D model of the geometry to be analyzed. The second step is discretization. This involves creating a three dimensional computational mesh in the model for the volume in which the medium flows. The third step is defining the boundary conditions for the simulation and as the fourth step, the simulation of the flow can be performed.”

In this specific instance, the ductwork ahead of the malfunctioning inlet vane control, the blades of the closure unit itself and the suction box behind the closure unit were all rendered in 3D models. Figure 2 below shows the geometry that was analyzed in detail in the computer model. The ductwork upstream and downstream was included to ensure the stability of the calculation in the simulation.

Figure 2: Scope of detailed simulation in the plant

After meshing of the 3D model, a simulation was performed to determine the direction of the stream in the ducting ahead the inlet vane control in more detail. Figure 3 below shows the result of the simulation.

Figure 3: direction of the stream in the ductwork ahead of the inlet vane control

The simulation showed that a separation of the stream led to turbulence in the flow ahead of the closure unit. With the validated conclusions of the simulation, TLT-Turbo was able to investigate different proposed solutions to remedy the problem. Figure 4 below shows the streamline plots of these different solutions.

Figure 4: Comparison of different countermeasures against the turbulence

The conclusion was that a combination of two countermeasures in the ducting would be the most advantageous solution. So ahead of the closure unit, TLT-Turbo installed a suction nozzle that helped guide the incoming flow into the duct (see blue colored suction nozzle in Figure 5 below).

Behind the closure unit, TLT-Turbo also welded a split plate (blue colored plate in Figure 5) into the suction box to help guide the stream further into the inlet vane control ahead of the centrifugal fan.

Figure 5: implemented solution to solve the problem with the inlet vane control

In Conclusion

The use of CFD has become an essential tool to TLT-Turbo for the development of new and more efficient fan types and blades. Instead of building numerous test models for each proposed blade or impeller type with subsequent aerodynamic model testing, different geometries can be compared in the CFD simulation directly. However, the value of CFD doesn´t end there. Increasingly, TLT-Turbo is also using CFD for aerodynamic optimization of flow in customer operating environments.  That includes solving aerodynamic problems such as the example above, and for reducing wear, pressure loss or in general creating a more homogenous flow of the gas or air in the plant to maximize efficiency. Finally, the success of performance improvements as a result of replacing a fan in an existing casing, can be verified.

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TLT-Turbo Secures Ventilation Works for Swiss Baregg Tunnel Project

TLT-Turbo (GmbH), a leading supplier of ventilation equipment and systems has received a contract to provide longitudinal ventilation and escape route ventilation for the Baregg Tunnel project through a call for tender by the Swiss Federal Roads Office, ASTRA, based in Zofingen, Switzerland.

The scope of TLT-Turbo’s delivery on the project includes 16 stainless steel, dual-speed jet fans. The jet fans will meet the project’s temperature requirement of 250 °C/2 h. The contract also includes the supply of an extensive array of services including project management, documentation of performance and technical specifications, inspections, QA, testing, training of operating personnel and future maintenance. The order is currently being processed with completion of the installation expected by January 2024.

The Baregg tunnel and the Neuenhof covering are part of Switzerland’s N01 route, located between the exits and entrances of Baden-West and Wettingen. This section is known as one of the busiest sections of the Swiss national road network.

TLT-Turbo Head of Tunnel and Metro division, Jürgen Steltmann, said: “We scoped out this project by starting with a dimensional survey and inspection of the existing tunnel structure. This will be followed by planning, fabrication, factory tests and finally delivery and installation. We are confident that our approach will result in a ventilation solution that meets the requirements of the Baregg Tunnel project and ensures and safe environment for commuters.”

TLT-Turbo has over 100 years of experience in ventilation technology and has been developing, manufacturing, and constructing fans and ventilation systems for more than 40 years. This extensive experience has been consistently incorporated into the development of their tunnel ventilation systems.

According to Steltmann, to ensure a safe environment inside tunnels, TLT-Turbo’s foremost consideration is smoke. “In an emergency, smoke is one of the major hazards for people in an underground tunnel. Our ventilation systems provide clear visibility for escape routes. In case of fire, our Metro and Tunnel fans provide smoke free emergency exit routes.”

“Our other key considerations are quality, noise abatement and energy efficiency. Our fans are tested according to EN 12101-3 give tunnel operators peace of mind that they are receiving ventilation equipment that meets their specifications and is of the highest quality. From there, TLT-Turbo combines specially selected materials, highly heat-resistant motors and design precision to blend quality assurance with the highest economic efficiency,” Steltmann explains.

The aerodynamic features of TLT-Turbo’s Jet Fan range guarantee low power consumption and installation costs. They also help to keep the acoustic noise low. These fans may be used in tunnel sections as jet fans with free inlet and outlet and as axial fans in ducted installations. The success story of these fans started in the early 1970’s in the Alps and several important Alptransit-routes have been equipped with TLT-Turbo tunnel fans since then – including ventilation for the longest railway tunnel worldwide in the Gotthard Base Tunnel.

“Our track record combined with the fact we have well-trained, experienced staff who collaborate with leading international consultants to ensure that we meet expected international standards are what have made TLT-Turbo not just a supplier, but a preferred tunnel and metro ventilation partner renowned for redefining ventilation quality and performance,” Steltmann concludes.

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Research Reveals Best Wear Solutions for Ventilation Equipment

Long lasting equipment is a must have for many industries due to the cost savings that can be derived from a longer lifespan on equipment and components. At their recently upgraded testing facility, TLT-Turbo GmbH are using a new research methodology based on dust particulate samples from steel manufacturing and processing facilities to determine the best solutions for minimizing wear on ventilation equipment based on the unique abrasive factors of this specific operating environment.

TLT Turbo GmbH is one of the world’s leading suppliers of heavy-duty centrifugal fans designed to operate efficiently in the most challenging applications. In the steel industry, these fans are exposed to high dust loads which causes them to prematurely fail due to faster wear. To determine the best solutions for slowing wear and tear, TLT-Turbo researchers procured original samples of the dust present at customer facilities and used these to investigate the reasons for wear and to determine remedies for reducing it.

Factors Affecting Wear on Fans

According to Sabine Groh, Product Manager for industry fans at TLT-Turbo in Bad Hersfeld, Germany, the main contributing factor to wear is the velocity of the abrasive particle. The erosion rate measurement below illustrates the exponential increase in the erosion rate based on velocity.

(Above) Figure 1: Erosion rate in relation to velocity of particles

Groh states that additional factors include hardness, shape, number of particles and the angle between the particle jet and the surface of the fan component. The image below provides an indication of the typical shape of the abrasive particles used for research at TLT-Turbo’s newly upgraded particle jet test stand in Zweibrücken.

(Above) Figure 2: Magnified image of typical dust used in particle jet experiments

Finally, Groh argues that the particle size in comparison to the size and distribution of grain of the coating also plays a role. Figure 3 below shows a micrograph of a hardfacing layer suitable for abrasive dust with small particle sizes using a prototypical particle of 20µm. Figure 4 below shows a micrograph of a common Chrome Carbide hardfacing with a prototypical particle of 20µm as well. “In Figure 3 we can observe that the particle is less able to wash out the matrix because of the more homogenous distribution of the smaller grains. Figure 4 however shows that the large grain size and large distribution allows for easier erosion of the matrix,” Groh explains.

(Above) Figure 3: 250x magnified photomicrograph of
special Hardfacing optimized for small abrasive
(Above) Figure 4: 250x magnified photomicrograph of typical Chrom Carbide Hardfacing

This proves that if the abrasive particles are small enough to impinge between the relatively hard grains of a hardfacing, then the matrix will be washed away and the grains will easily fall out afterwards. If the grains of the hardfacing are small enough with less space between them, matrix erosion will be prevented and the hardfacing will have a higher durability.

Emerging Research Trends

Over the last 10 years, TLT-Turbo performed thousands of particle jet tests to determine the erosion rate of different coatings and materials. To achieve a comparison between these coatings, a standardized test sand with a specific grain size distribution was utilized as abrasive material (as illustrated in Figure 2 above).

“TLT-Turbo has developed an extensive database on the erosion rates of different coatings and materials that have been exposed to the test sand at different angles and velocities. This database allows us to select promising solutions for customer’s abrasive problems,” says Groh. 

TLT-Turbo has recently upgraded its test equipment and now has the capability to test using original dust supplied by the customer. Groh explains that this allows for the specific customer application, with all major influencing factors to be reproduced. In addition to the velocity and angle of the abrasive dust, a realistic indication of particle size, shape and hardness can now contribute to more accurate test results. “This means that we can provide a more definitive prediction of how a change in wear protection will affect the service lifespan of the equipment to each customer.”

Wear Test Case

The TLT-Turbo test lab asked a European customer to provide samples of dust from their facility for testing to determine how they could benefit from a coating solution suited to their specific application and environmental challenges.

(Above) Figure 5: A sample of the dust provided for testing

From this specific dust particle sample, the grain size distribution was determined by performing a sieve analysis. Particle jet experiments were then performed on two preselected coatings. These experiments are in accordance with the norm DIN 50332 and were executed for three angles: 20°, 45° and 90°.

Figure 6 below illustrates the test results. The TLT W-104 coating was determined to be the best alternative for all impact angles, however the superiority of W-104 is best illustrated when used for the 90° impact angle.

(Above) Figure 6: Erosion rate of customer dust for preselected coatings

In extremely abrasive applications, the choice of wear protection determines the service life of the fan. The upgraded test lab and particle jet test stand has afforded TLT-Turbo engineers a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind wear and the effects of specialized solutions. This has led to new approaches in product advancement and development that are grounded in providing solutions that meet market requirements.

“The ability to use the original dust from the customer’s facility and duplicate the conditions such as velocity and the impingement angle on the coating, allows us to determine how all these factors including the shape, size and hardness of the abrasive particles affect erosion rates. TLT-Turbo has taken another great step forward in being able to reliably calculate the effect that changing in coatings to prevent wear will have on extending the service life of ventilation equipment. Establishing the best solution for wear related challenges now becomes a collaboration between TLT-Turbo and the customer.” Groh concludes.

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Spannende Entwicklung aus der MVR-Abteilung!

Wir geben unseren ersten Auftrag für Low Flow MVR-Ventilatoren bekannt.

Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir einen Auftrag für die Lieferung von TLT-Turbo MVR-Ventilatoren von einem weltweit renommierten Hersteller für die Installation in einer Instantkaffee-Produktionsanlage in Kolumbien erhalten haben.

Diese Auftragsgewinnung erfolgte nach einer intensiven Zusammenarbeit mit diesem Kunden in den letzten vier Jahren und ist auf das beeindruckende Engagement und die Beharrlichkeit der beteiligten Vertriebsmitarbeiter und des MVR-Teams zurückzuführen. Die durch die enge Zusammenarbeit entstandene Beziehung zu diesem Kunden kann der erste Schritt zu einer langfristigen strategischen Partnerschaft sein.

Der gelieferte MVR-Ventilator stammt aus der neuen Low Flow MVR-Serie. Diese neue Ergänzung der MVR-Baureihe befand sich in den letzten 18 Monaten in der Entwicklung und zeichnet sich durch eine deutlich kleinere und kompaktere Baugröße bei höheren Wirkungsgraden aus. Die Entwicklung dieser Baureihe ist eine außergewöhnliche Leistung unserer R&D-Abteilung und unseres Produktmanagement-Teams. Die Lieferung dieser neuen Baureihe hat es uns ermöglicht, in den Markt für kleine Massenströme einzutreten, was uns noch wettbewerbsfähiger werden lässt. 

Der Lieferumfang umfasst einen MVR-Hochgeschwindigkeitsventilator mit 120 kW Antriebsleistung, ca. 4.500 kg/h Massenstrom und einem Wirkungsgrad von >83%. Der endgültige Aufstellungsort ist eine Produktionsanlage für Instantkaffee in Medellin, Kolumbien.

Die Sicherung dieses Auftrags hat bereits die Aufmerksamkeit anderer globaler Kaffeeproduzenten geweckt und ist ein gutes Zeichen für das weitere Wachstum unserer MVR-Abteilung.

Für weitere Informationen über die TLT-Turbo MVR-Baureihe klicken Sie bitte hier.

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Neue Ventilatorenbaureihe erweitert die Marktreichweite und liefert kompromisslose Leistung

Der weltweit tätige Hersteller von Lüftungsventilatoren und -systemen, TLT-Turbo GmbH, hat die Markteinführung der neuen Low Flow MVR-Ventilatorenserie bekannt gegeben. Als kompaktere Alternative zur bestehenden TLT-Turbo MVR-Baureihe mit größerer Kapazität, verspricht die neue Low-Flow-Serie die gleiche kompromisslose Effizienz, die Kunden von TLT-Turbo-Ventilatoren erwarten.

Diese neue Ergänzung der MVR-Reihe (Mechanical Vapor Recompression) wurde in den letzten 18 Monaten entwickelt und zeichnet sich durch eine deutlich kleinere und kompaktere Bauweise bei gleichzeitig höherem Wirkungsgrad aus.

Im Vergleich zur bestehenden MVR-Baureihe sind diese Ventilatoren für geringere Massenströme bei mittleren Eintrittstemperaturen ausgelegt. „Die maximale Drehzahl beträgt 6.500 U/min. Diese Begrenzung ist vor allem darauf zurückzuführen, dass es in dieser Baureihe und für diese Anwendung keine schneller drehenden Motoren gibt“, erklärt Mario Schmidt, Head of Business Segment Vapor Fans, TLT-Turbo. Er fügt hinzu, dass diese Baureihe ideal für industrielle Anwendungen geeignet ist, bei denen es um die Aufkonzentration von Flüssigkeiten geht.

Die neue Low Flow MVR-Serie vereint auf elegante Weise alle Vorteile und Merkmale aller weiteren TLT-Turbo MVR Baureihen, ohne dabei Kompromisse eingehen zu müssen. Dazu gehören wartungsfreie, verschleißarme Hybrid-Keramiklager und hohe Wirkungsgrade sowie eine Drehzahl-, Temperatur- und Schwingungsüberwachung. Die Ventilatoren sind so konstruiert, dass sie Temperaturerhöhungen von bis zu 11 °C bei beachtlichen Wirkungsgraden von bis zu 83% erreichen.

„Die Entwicklung dieser Baureihe ist eine außergewöhnliche Leistung unserer R&D-Abteilung und unseres Produktmanagement-Teams. Die Erweiterung unseres aktuellen MVR-Angebots hat uns den Einstieg in den Markt für kleine Massenströme ermöglicht, was uns wettbewerbsfähiger werden lässt.“

Das Design der neuen Baureihe ist sorgfältig durchdacht, um sicherzustellen, dass alle wichtigen Kunden- und Anwendungsanforderungen erfüllt werden. Schmidt erklärt, dass diese Ventilatoren auf Leistung ausgelegt sind. „Die Ventilatoren sind rund um die Uhr mit einem weiten Bereich von Betriebspunkten und hohen Wirkungsgraden von bis zu 83%, in Abhängigkeit von den Eintrittstemperaturen und den vorgegebenen Temperaturerhöhungen, verfügbar. Darüber hinaus wird die Drehzahl des Rotors über einen Frequenzumrichter gesteuert.“

Die höchsten Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsstandards werden durch die Verwendung von hochwertigen und bewährten Komponenten erfüllt. Die Überwachungsgeräte der Ventilatoren sind im System standardmäßig enthalten und alle Modelle werden streng getestet und mittels FE-Simulation berechnet. Wie ihre größeren Pendants wird auch die Low Flow MVR-Serie mit Hybrid-Keramiklagern gefertigt, die lebensdauergeschmiert sind und bis zu 10 Jahre lang ohne Wartung betrieben werden können. Um diesen Vorteil für die Kunden zu erhöhen, hat TLT-Turbo eine zusätzliche Vorrichtung in das Design des Ventilators eingebaut, die es ermöglicht, das Lager von außen nachzufetten, um die Wartung weiter zu vereinfachen und die Lebensdauer der Ventilatoren zu erhöhen. „Die Wartung wird für unsere Kunden durch die Möglichkeit, unsere Leistungs- und Wartungskontrollen aus der Ferne in Anspruch zu nehmen, noch einfacher.“

Die neue Low Flow MVR-Serie wird im Produktionsstandort von TLT-Turbo in Deutschland hergestellt und ist weltweit verfügbar. Ein Auftrag für die Lieferung von TLT-Turbo Low Flow MVR-Ventilatoren wurde bereits von einem weltweit bekannten Hersteller für die Installation in einer Instantkaffee-Produktionsanlage in Kolumbien erhalten. „Die Sicherung dieses Auftrags hat bereits die Aufmerksamkeit anderer globaler Kaffeeproduzenten geweckt und ist ein gutes Zeichen für das weitere Wachstum unserer MVR-Sparte“, sagt Schmidt.

„TLT-Turbo ist dafür bekannt, die Belüftung neu zu definieren, und das bedeutet, dass wir ständig danach streben, neue Standards zu setzen. Im Hinblick auf alle bisherigen MVR-Serien ist TLT-Turbo der erste Hersteller, der Hybrid-Keramiklager verwendet. Darüber hinaus sind alle TLT-Turbo MVR-Ventilatoren aerodynamisch optimiert und bieten einen hohen Wirkungsgrad. Für Weiterentwicklungen werden kontinuierlich neue Materialien sowie Fertigungsmethoden und -konzepte erforscht, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Kunden von den neuesten Innovationen profitieren. Unsere MVR-Baureihe hat sich für den Einsatz in Anwendungen mit sehr hohen hygienischen Anforderungen bewährt. Beispielsweise im Bereich der Pharmaindustrie, welche mitunter den Einsatz von hochglanzpolierten Laufrädern und Gehäusen erfordert. Dies und viele weitere Innovationen, die in der neuen Baureihe vorgestellt werden, sind das Ergebnis einer fast 150-jährigen Erfolgsgeschichte in der Entwicklung und Produktion von Industrieventilatoren“, so Schmidt abschließend.

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TLT-Turbo spendet 2.500 € für den guten Zweck

Auch in 2020 hat die TLT-Turbo GmbH in Zweibrücken wieder 2.500 € für gute Zwecke gespendet. Ein Teil der Spende wurde an Weihnachten überreicht, da wir uns dazu entschieden haben auf Geschenke für Geschäftspartner zu verzichten und stattdessen diesen Betrag verschiedenen Einrichtungen zukommen zu lassen.

Mit einer Spende in Höhe von 350 € wurde die Diakonie Pfalz für ihre Kurfreizeit Jugenddorf unterstützt. Die Diakonie Pfalz ermöglicht den Kindern und Jugendlichen jedes Jahr in den Sommerferien eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Leider konnte die Kurfreizeit 2020 aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie nicht stattfinden.

Der Kinderschutzbund in Zweibrücken wurde mit einer Logoplatzierung auf deren Fahrzeug im Wert von 300 € unterstützt. Mit dem Fahrzeug können beispielsweise Lebensmittel an sozialschwache Familien verteilt werden.

Ein großer Teil der Spende ging mit 600 € an die Sternenkinder in Homburg.
Sternenkinder ist eine Selbsthilfe-Gruppe für Familien, die ein oder mehrere Kinder vor, während oder nach der Geburt verloren haben. Die Spende wird verwendet, um Stoffe zu kaufen und daraus Kleider und Einschlagdecken für die verstorbenen Kinder zu nähen.

Die Diakonie Zweibrücken wurde mit einer Spende von 600 € für das Projekt „Armut durch Corona“ unterstützt. Das Diakonische Werk hat einen Corona-Hilfsfond eingerichtet, um Menschen während der Corona-Krise zu unterstützen. Dieser Hilfsfond ist aber sehr von Spendengeldern abhängig, weshalb wir uns hier besonders einbringen wollten.

Der restliche Teil der Spende, nämlich 650 € gingen an die Heinrich-Kimmle-Stiftung Zweibrücken. Sie ist eine selbständige kirchliche Stiftung und unterstützt Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen in den Bereichen Arbeit, Wohnen und vorschulische sowie schulische Bildung. Dort wird der Beitrag als Übergangsgeld zum Arbeitsverhältnis für Menschen mit Behinderung genutzt, aber auch als finanzielle Unterstützung zum Führerschein.

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TLT-Turbo GmbH Continues to Show Resilience Through COVID-19 Pandemic

Following the first official response statement on the global coronavirus pandemic, TLT-Turbo has continued to prove operational resilience in its operations across the globe. This is largely due to the efforts of the TLT-Turbo global team and the implementation of various innovative measures including remote service support and virtual model acceptance testing. These factors have allowed TLT-Turbo to continue providing the high level of service that their clients have come to expect – with some formally showing their appreciation for the ways in which TLT-Turbo’s support has contributed to their operational continuity.

In the three months since TLT-Turbo released their initial COVID-19 response statement, they have announced several new contracts for high profile clients across the globe. Most notably this includes the supply of Sinter fans and two CDQ fans for various clients in China and an order for low flow MVR fans to a client in Colombia.

TLT-Turbo, Global Co-Managing Director, Rainer Redinger: “We knew that to a large extent our resilience in the face of such a significant global challenge would stem from the expertise and commitment of the TLT-Turbo global team. Securing of these orders demonstrates the perseverance of the sales representatives and engineers involved and speaks to the reliability of our products on the market. These same factors will ensure that we endure through the COVID-19 pandemic and current global market downturns and emerge stronger than ever.”

Travel restrictions imposed around the globe, posed a challenge to the delivery of
TLT-Turbo services and fans. TLT-Turbo implemented Remote Service Support that facilitates remote service, maintenance, repairs and troubleshooting. Using an audio-visual connection that allows the exchange of images and data between TLT-Turbo experts and customers, TLT-Turbo’s team can guide customers through the process of making simple repairs and adjustments in real time.

Along with this, to facilitate the delivery and commissioning of new fans, TLT-Turbo’s R&D team have also rolled out Virtual Model Acceptance Testing. TLT-Turbo made aerodynamic model acceptance measurements and final acceptance testing available for customers to attend virtually. They are now done through software that combines video conferences with a connection to virtual reality on smartphones, tablets, smart glasses or a video screen.

“This is a major advancement in the digitalization of our offering. In future, even as we move into a post-COVID world, these platforms will remain an alternative option to conventional model acceptance testing, trouble shooting, repairs, inspections and many other services for all customers as it saves them both time and money,” Mr. Redinger explains.

These efforts add to the crucial support of the regional TLT-Turbo offices across the globe that are starting to re-opening following various national lockdowns.
TLT-Turbo Africa has been operational through the continuing national lockdown in South Africa that was instituted on 26 March 2020. They have been registered as an essential service which allows for manufacturing activities with 30% of their usual staff complement per shift. “We are currently on a two-shift system of six hours per shift for operational staff. Even with limited staff, we have managed to make key deliveries to our customers,” says TLT-Turbo Managing Director, Christo Gelderblom who goes to explain that strict hygiene and safety protocols are being adhered to and that non-essential staff are still working from home. “We have received a number of orders since we returned to work and are expecting a few more in the weeks to come as South Africa’s lockdown alert levels are being lowered.”

In Korea, TLT-Turbo representatives have been able to recommence visits and meetings at client sites while adhering to strict hygiene, prevention and social distancing measures. The regional office has reported that they are almost back to business as usual while taking every measure to protect the health and safety of their staff. Their manufacturing facility continues to be fully operational.

Currently, TLT-Turbo manufacturing facilities in the USA, Germany and China are also operational. TLT-Turbo Global Co-Managing Director, Xiongfei Zhao: “We have done everything in our power to keep our processes running as smoothly as possible. We have complied with all required hygiene regulations and have developed our own additional safety measures to ensure that our staff are taken care of. We have also ensured that our customers are able to reach us by making our team accessible on electronic platforms as they continue to work from home.”

This accessibility has allowed TLT-Turbo’s customers to continue to rely on the products and services that play a crucial role in their daily operations. Several customers have sent in words of gratitude for the role that TLT-Turbo’s products and support have played in keeping them going.

Currently, TLT-Turbo continues to encourage concerned clients and suppliers to reach out their TLT-Turbo representatives in the various regions. Locate your nearest point of contact here.

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Model Acceptance Tests Go Virtual!

An important task carried out by TLT-Turbo is the conducting of aerodynamic model acceptance measurements and final acceptance tests in the presence of our customers. These tests demonstrate the aerodynamic performance of TLT-Turbo fans on a model test stand to meet the required fan characteristics.

Model tests are significantly cheaper and less complex than conducting tests on a full-size performance test stand (FSPT) such as the one that TLT-Turbo has set-up in Chengdu, China. TLT-Turbo has various model test stands at their facilities in Germany and is able to test different diameters of axial fans, centrifugal fans and full-size jet fans.

Due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not possible to host clients for witnessing tests at our R&D center in Zweibruecken. In an effort to continue providing excellent customer service and for current orders to move ahead, TLT-Turbo has found a solution – making acceptance tests available for customers to attend virtually!

Inspired by the global movement to move physical business processes such as meetings and inspections online, TLT-Turbo started looking for a software solution that would allow them to conduct virtual aerodynamic model acceptance tests.

The solution was found through software, which allows classic video conferences to be combined with a connection to virtual reality on smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, or a video screen. This makes it possible for participants in a teleconference meeting to see and experience everything as if they were nearby.

“Our team has run through the process and rehearsed internally to make sure that we are ready to fully cover every aspect of the testing and we are ready to offer this service to our clients to allow work and delivery of fans to continue,” says Dr. Sebastian Fleder, TLT-Turbo Product Manager for Aftermarket and Services. “This is a major advancement in the digitalization of our offering. In future, even as we move into a post-COVID world, this model will remain an alternative option to conventional model acceptance testing, trouble shooting, inspections and many other services for all customers as it saves them both time and money.”

If you would like more information about TLT-Turbo’s ‘Remote Service Support’ or you need fan expert’s assistance, please use the contact form on our website or contact your local TLT-Turbo representative.

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